How Can We Help?
To make your loan payment, we offer several options:
1. Automatic Fund Transfers (AFT)
AFT’s can be set up by you to happen right away, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, one time only using a future date, and more. Managing your money is even easier with the Online Banking Transfer Wizard. Just select Transfer Money from the Pay & Transfer drop down list and follow the simple steps.
AFT’s are a great tool to use for budgeting beyond just loan payments. You can set them up to start saving for the holidays or that special vacation.
*Automated fund transfers are completed at the end of the day.
2. Electronic Loan Payment
MCCU can set up automatic payments to pull from your outside financial institution. To get set up, login to your online account and submit your request online or complete the ACH Origination Authorization Form and submit it to the CU.
3. Mail, Night Drop or deliver in person
Metrum Community Credit Union, 6980 S Holly Circle, Centennial, CO 80112. Be sure to include your account number and loan suffix to direct where the payment should be posted.
*Payments are marked as received when they are posted to your account. MCCU is not responsible for lost or delayed payments. Late fees may apply. See the Fee Schedule for more details.
4. Shared Branch
Visit one of CO-OP’s 5,000 Shared Branch locations to make your payment. You will need your ID, account number and loan suffix when making your payment at one of our partner CU’s.